The Shahada

“There is no god but Allah (SWT) and Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger”
Muslim fathers whisper this into the ears of their newborn children so its the first words they ever hear. Similarly, if someone is dying, friends and family will say the Shahada for them, hoping it will be the last words they hear.

The Muslim Declaration of Faith
To become a Muslim, one must first adopt the first pillar of Islam by declaring that there is no god but Allah (SWT) and that Muhammad (PBUH) is his messenger.
How to become a Muslim
Becoming a Muslim is a simple process. All you need to say is a short declaration, known as the “Shahada” or testimony of faith. Once you have said the Shahada with conviction and clearly understand its meaning, then you become a Muslim.
Please review the New Muslim Guide Book to learn more about the essentials of Islam and how to become a Muslim.